Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Baby Number 2?

It’s been an eventful couple of years. Last year I got married, the beginning of this year I had my first child, and a couple months ago I found out I would be having another child in June (all with the same woman). We are unsure the sex, but the preliminary blood results say there’s a 1% chance it’s a boy. That number may seem low, but low probabilities hit all the time, so it’s anyone’s best guess as to the sex.

Given that the last labor was an exhausting 3 hours of holding my baby mama’s leg while she was comfortably lying on her back pushing, many will wonder why I am willing to endure another tough labor. I’m not calling myself a hero, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to bring another life into this world.

Bayani literally means Hero 

Conventional wisdom would say that two children are twice as difficult, but the way I see it, it gets easier with each kid because they can start taking care of each other.  

2015 didn't bring as many adventures as in years past, but here’s a few notable highlights of the year:

St. Patty’s day in Chicago. Had a good time and the weather was great. Didn’t even need to wear a jacket during the day. Thank God for global warming.

After 40 years of waiting, I got to see another Warriors championship. Last time they won I was just graduating college in South East Asia. I predict they break the NBA wins record and win back to back championships. Next year, they sign Durant and go 82-0.

Taught my daughter how to give zerbert’s at only 6 months.

The Usual 4 Weddings a Year

Visited France for a couple weeks. Managed to get out of Paris a few weeks before the terrorist attacks. Whole trip summed up in a short video below....


Started a new job. After a decade of waking up at 10am every morning I now get up at 6am.

Taught Daughter how to dance at 4 months.

Had/have a front row seat to the rebirth of Fascism in America.

Trump has said plenty of stupid idiotic things that appeals to the uneducated, but instead of getting political I will share a little about his relationship with his daughter (more accurately, the relationship he would like to have with his daughter)....

In an interview with Rolling Stone talking about his DAUGHTER Ivanka, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father"
The best part, this isn't the first time. In a 2006 interview on the view, "I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

Learned how to use the Force to choke infidels.

Critics voted my Thanksgiving blog as their favorite of 2015. I hand out my Turkey of the Year

We welcomed 2015 with a bang and it was a good year!

Now it's time to say good-bye :(

Next year’s plans so far: Vacation in Jamaica-mon (working on my accent) and another Baby in June.

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